Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Its cool, I wasn't using my civil liberties anyway.

So today's pop culture topic: abortion. The Liberal side of the argument is pro-choice and promotes women's right to have control over the choices they make that involve their bodies. Other huge issues involved with abortion are rape and competency in caring for a child. If a woman is raped, should she be forced to raise a child she didnt consent to in the first place? And if a woman (or a couple) who is unable to provide for a child accidently becomes pregnant, should they really have the baby? The liberal side of the argument maintains that the person should be given the choice as to whether or not they will endure 9 months of pregnancy and a lifetime (possibly) of childcare, whereas the conservative side of the argument states that they are pro-life, and that abortion is murder. Conservatives believe abortion is morally wrong and is equivalent to killing an infant, since life is observed in a fetus only a few days after conception. They also recognize the emotional problems related with abortion, and the high rates of depression following the procedure. This often leads to higher suicide rates.

Personall, im extremely pro-choice. The last time I checked, none of the old white men currently running our country ever had to deal with the prospect of becoming pregnant whith an unwanted child. In fact, last time I checked, many of these men don't even have a uterus. Now maybe things have changed, but I don't know. All I really know is that NO ONE, especially the government, should have the right to tell a woman what she is and is not allowed to do with her body. Having a child is a life-changing decision, and the government has absolutely no right to intrude on something like that. A baby is unable to live on its own before the third trimester, and the mother is more than some faceless incubator giving the fetus "life support". She should have a right to have a say in what happens to her. All in all, I believe that the government has no right to dictate what women are and are not allowed to do with their bodies, and their lives. Especially since 99% of the people who would be making the decision can't even begin to empathize with a pregnant woman faced with this decision, seeing as how they are men. Men don't get pregnant, men don't have babies, and men aren't faced with either of these things if raped. If men were faced with pregnancy and the prospect of caring for an unwanted child, I would bet my life that the government wouldn't even question the right to have an abortion.

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