Thursday, May 15, 2008

Marriage for love? GASP.

So today's topic was gay marriage. While the liberal side states that gay marriage should be legal and that banning gay marriage or denying homosexuals the right to marry and giving them the option of a "civil union" instead, is an infringement of their civil liberties. Also, the liberal side argues that since marriage is a personal choice, it should be left up to the person, and not the state to decide. On the other hand, conservatives believe that because our government is a democracy and that the majority of americans are against gay marriage, that it should be illegal. They argue that since the Bible is against homosexuality, along with other religions, that that should govern homosexuals' rights to marriage. Also they claim that same sex marriages ruin the sanctity of marriage, since it is "supposed to" be between a man and a woman.

Personally, I think it is a person's right to marry whoever they love. Conservatives' point that marriage is for procreation is the most far-fetched justification I've ever heard, especially since there are many cases of heterosexual couples who are unable to conceive. Does that mean a marriage is worthless is the couple is sterile? Also, I feel the "sanctity" of marriage is brought down more by one-night-stand-type Vegas marriages, reality tv shows advertising marriage to a stranger, and our country's extremely high divorce rates (one in two marriages are estimated to end in divorce) rather than same-sex marriages. Marriage is about love. And if two men or two women love each other, who has the right to tell them they can't be together? I think the real argument beneath this is not the sanctity of marriage or procreation or religion or the well-being of the child (since supposedly kids raised by same-sex parents will have emotional problems)... I think its just Conservatives' extreme homophobia.

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